P. prasina (in cop)
Pachycnemia hippocastanaria Horse Chestnut
Paglesham Church
Paglesham Church Chancel Interior
Painted Lady
Painted Lady (underside)
pair on foodplant
Palaeolithic flake Harkstead Brickearth
Palaeolithic flake with bulb of percussion Wrabness Brickearth
Palaeolithic flake Wrabness Brickearth
Palaeolithic flake Wrabness Brickearth Damaged
Palaeolithic Handaxe with thermal fractures Harkstead Suffolk
Palaeophis toliapicus fossil snake vertebra
pale -lemon Sallow (Cirrhia ocellaris)
Pale Brindled Beauty
Pale Brindled Beauty Phigalia pilosaria
Pale Brindled Beauty 2
Pale Brindled Beauty 3
Pale Eggar
Pale Mottled Willow
Pale Mottled Willow 10-08-2020
Pale Mottled Willow 2
Pale Oak Beauty
Pale Oak Beauty 2
Pale Oak Beauty 3
Pale Oak Beauty 4
Pale Pinion
Pale Pinion Lithophane socia
Pale Pinion Lithophane socia 2
Pale Pinion 2
Pale pinion 3
Pale Pinion.
Pale Prominent
Pale Prominent 2
Pale Prominent 3
Pale Prominent 4
Pale Tussock
Pale Tussock Calliteara pudibunda
Pale Tussock 2
Pale Tussock 3
Pale Tussock 4
Pale Tussock Calliteara pudibunda 2
Pale Tussock caterpillar
Pale Tussock melanic
Pale Tussock.
Pale-lemon Sallow (Cirrhia ocellaris) 1
Pale-lemon Sallow 1
Pale-lemon Sallow.
Pale-shouldered Brocade Lacanobia thalassina
Palloptera muliebris
Palomena prasina
Palomena prasina (Green Shieldbug) (winter colour)
Palomena prasina (Green Shieldbug) (winter colour) 2
Palomena Prasina -2
Palomena Prasina Nymph
Palpita vitrealis 2
Palpita vitrealis 3
Palpita Vitrealis.
Pammene albuginana
Pammene albuginana 1 GD
Pammene argyrana.
Pammene aurana
Pammene aurita
Pammene aurita 2
pammene fasciana 2
Pammene fasciana.
Pammene giganteana
Pammene giganteana 2
Pammene juniperana
Pammene juniperana 2
Pammene juniperana 21-06-2024
Pammene populana 01-09-2024
Pammene populana 19-08-2024
Pammene regiana
Pammene sp.
Pammene splendidulana.
Pammene suspectana 2 GD
Pammene suspectana GD
Pammene trauniana
Pammene trauniana 2
Pamphilius sylvarum
Panaeolus papillonaceus Var. parvisporus
Pancalia leuwenhoekella
Pandemis cerasana
Pandemis cerasana 2
Pandemis cerasana 3
Pandemis cerasana 5
Pandemis cinnamomeana
Pandemis cinnamomeana head
Pandemis corylana
Pandemis corylana 2
Pandemis heparana
Pandemis heparana 2
Panellus stipticus
Panfield Church
Panolis flammea Pine Beauty 5
Panorpa cognata
Panorpa communis
Pantaloon Bee
Pantilius tunicatus
Panurgus calcaratus
Parachronistis albiceps
Paragus albifrons male 1
Paragus albifrons male 2
Parapiesma quadratum
Parapiesma quadratum female
Parapoynx stratiotata 2
Pararge aegeria
Pararge aegeria pupa
Parascotia fuliginaria Waved Black
Parasitised caterpillar
Parasmilia fittoni fossil coral profile C Daniel
Parasmilia fittoni fossil coral with label C Daniel
Parasteatoda lunata 14 04 2020
Paraswammerdamia albicapitella 2
Paraswammerdamia albicapitella.
Paraswammerdamia nebulella
Paratalanta hyalinalis
Pardosa - female (1 May 2011)
Pardosa - female (21 Aug 2010)
Pardosa - female1 (8 May 2011)
Pardosa - female2 (8 May 2011)
Pardosa - female3 (8 May 2011)
Pardosa - female4 (1 May 2011)
Pardosa - female5 (1 May 2011)
Pardosa amentata male and female
Pardosa nigriceps male
Pardosa saltans
Pardosa saltans - male (8 May 2011)
Pardosa saltans -male (8 May 2011)
Parectopa ononidis
Parectopa ononidis 11-07-2023
Parhelophilus versicolor male
Parkeston Church
Paroligolophus agrestis (21 Aug 10)
Paroligolophus agrestis 3rd October 2014
Parornix anglicella
Parornix anglicella 01-08-2024
Parornix anglicella 1 GD
Parornix betulae
Parornix scoticella
Parornix torquillella
Parsnip Moth Depressaria heraclei
Part of a Hertfordshire puddingstone quern stone
Part of Grays Chalk Pit in 1920
Part of the pit occupied by the shooting range
Passenger Dysgonia algira
Passmore Edwards Museum Gallery Floor Plan Detail Romford Road
Passmore Edwards Museum Gallery Floor Plan Romford Road
Passmore Edwards Museum Ground Floor Plan Romford Road
Passmore Edwards Museum in the early 20th century
Passmore Edwards Museum Stratford 22 July 2019 1
Passmore Edwards Museum Stratford 22 July 2019 2
Passmore Edwards Museum Stratford 22 July 2019 3
Passmore Edwards Museum Stratford 22 July 2019 4
Passmore Edwards Museum Stratford 22 July 2019 5
Passmore Edwards Museum Stratford 22 July 2019 6
Passmore Edwards Museum Stratford 22 July 2019 7
Passmore Edwards Museum Stratford Entrance Hall Romford Road
Passmore Edwards Museum Stratford Exterior View
Passmore Edwards Museum Stratford Exterior View Romford Road
Paycockes Coggeshall Back of House 1920
Paycockes Coggeshall Front of House 1920
Paycockes Coggeshall Panelled Room 1920
Paykullia maculata
Peach Blossom Thyatira batis
Peach Blossom 2
Peach Blossom.
Peacock (courtship)
Peacock butterfly
Peacock caterpillar colony
Peacock larvae
Peacock Macaria notata
Peacock Moth
Peacock Moth 2
Peacock Moth 3
Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Pearly Underwing Peridroma saucia
Pearly Underwing.
Pebble Hook-tip
Pebble hook-tip 3
Pebble Hook-tip at rest
Pebble Hook-tip larvae
Pebble Prominent
Pebble Prominent Notodonta ziczac
Pebble Prominent 2
Pebmarsh Church
Pediasia aridella
Pediasia aridella 1
Pediasia contaminella
Pediasia contaminella 2
Pelatachina tibialis (male)
Pelatachina tibialis (male) 2
Peldon Church
Peldon Church Essex Earthquake 1884
Peldon Church South Essex Earthquake 1884 Photograph
Peldon Cottage of Mr Pullen Essex Earthquake 1884 Photograph
Peldon cottage of Mr. Pullen Photograph 1884 Essex Earthquake
Peldon House near church 1884 Essex Earthquake Photograph
Peldon Rose Inn 1884 Essex Earthquake Photograph
Pellucid Fly - 30th June 2013
Pelurga comitata dark Spinach 1
Pempelia genistella 2
Pempelia genistella.
Pempelia palumbella
Pempelia palumbella 2
Pempelia palumbella 1
Pempelia palumbella 3
Pennisetia hylaeiformis Raspberry Clearwing
Pennithera firmata Pine Carpet
Pennithera firmata Pine Carpet 2
Penny Bun
Pennywort figures
Pentastiridius leporinus
Pentatoma rufipes
Pentatoma rufipes (Forest Bug)
Pentatoma rufipes (Forest Bug) 2
Pentatoma rufipes (Forest Bug) 3
Pentlow Church Post Card
Peplomyza litura
Peppered Moth 2
Peppered Moth Carbonaria.
Peppered Moth caterpillar
Peppered Moth dark morph
Peppered Moth f.insularia
Peribalus strictus Vernal Shieldbug
Peritrechus geniculatus
Perittia obscurepunctella.
Petasites fragrans
Peter Collinson 1694 to 1768 Gardener
Petty Spurge (Eurphobia peplus)
Pexicopia malvella 2
Pexicopia malvella.
Peziza varia
Phaeolus schweinitzii
Phalonidia affinitana
Phalonidia manniana
Phaneta pauperana
Phania funesta
Phaonia subventa
Phaonia valida male
Phasia hemiptera
Phasia hemiptera male
Phasia obesa
Phasia obesia
Pheosia gnoma Lesser Swallow Prominent
Pheosia tremula Swallow Prominent
Philanthus triangulum
Philanthus triangulum 1
Philanthus triangulum 2
Philanthus triangulum 3
Philereme transversata Dark Umber
Philereme vetulata Brown Scallop 1
Philereme vetulata Brown Scallop 2
Philodromus albidus
Philodromus aureolus
Philodromus buxi female
Philodromus buxi female1
Philodromus buxi female2
Philodromus buxi female3
Philodromus buxi female4
Philodromus cespitum 1
Philodromus cespitum 2
Philodromus histrio
Philodromus praedatus
Philodromus rufus 09-07-2023
Philodromus rufus male
Philonicus albiceps
Phlebia radiata
Phlogophora meticulosa
Phlyctaenia perlucidalis
Phoenix moth
Pholcus phalangioides
Pholcus phalangioides-2
Pholidoptera griseoaptera
Pholidoptera griseoptera
Pholiota adiposa
Photographic Views of Leytonstone Title Page 1900
Phragmatobia fuliginosa
Phryganea bipunctata
Phryganea grandis
Phryganea grandis examined
Phryganea grandis female
Phtheochroa inopiana 4
Phtheochroa inopiana 2
Phtheochroa rugosana 2
Phtheochroa rugosana.
Phtheochroa schreibersiana 19-06-2023
Phtheochroa sodaliana
Phttheochroa inopiana.
Phycita roborella
Phycita roborella 2
Phycita roborella 3
Phycita roborella 4
Phycita roborella 5
Phycitodes binaevella
Phycitodes maritima
Phycosoma inornatum
Phyllocistis xenia
Phyllocnistis citrella
Phyllocnistis saligna 2
Phyllocnistis saligna.
Phyllocnistis sp
Phyllocnistis unipunctella
Phyllocnistis xenia.
Phyllodromia melanocephala
Phyllonorycter blancardella
Phyllonorycter corylifoliella.
Phyllonorycter dubitella 26-08-2024
Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella 3
Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella.
Phyllonorycter harrisella 2
Phyllonorycter harrisella.
Phyllonorycter lautella.
Phyllonorycter leucographella Leafmine.
Phyllonorycter maestingella
Phyllonorycter messaniella.
Phyllonorycter quercifoliella
Phyllonorycter rajella 02-09-2023
Phyllonorycter rajella GD
Phyllonorycter salictella viminiella.
Phyllonorycter schreberella
Phyllonorycter sorbi mines.
Phyllonorycter trifasciella 22-09-2020
Phyllonorycter tristrigella.
Phyllonoryctert trifasciella.
Phymatodes testaceus
Phymatodes testaceus (Tanbark Borer)
Phymatodes testaceus (Tanbark Borer) 2
Phymatodes testaceus 01
Phymatodes testaceus 3
Phymosoma koenigi (Mantell) Sea urchin
Phyto discrepans
Phytocoris longipennis
Phytocoris varipes
Phytocoris varipes 2
Phytoeca cylindrica
Phytomyza ilicis (leaf-mine)
Phytomyza ranunculi (female)
Phytomyza ranunculi (puparium from mine)
Phytomyza ranunculi (tenanted mine on Creeping Buttercup)
Picromerus bidens
Picromerus bidens 2
Picture Winged Fly
Picture Winged Fly on ragwort
Picturesque Essex Post Card
Picturesque Views of Leytonstone G H Holford
Pied shieldbug
Pieris brassicae
Pieris rapae
Piezodorus lituratus
Pill woodlouse
Pill woodlouse rolled up
Pilophorus clavatus
Pilophorus perplexus
Pinalitus cervinus
Pinchpools Chalk Pit in 1980
Pine Beauty
Pine Beauty Panolis flammea
Pine Beauty 2
Pine Hawk Moth
Pine Hawk-moth
Pine Hawkmoth
Pine Hawkmoth 3
Pine Hawkmoth.
Pine Ladybird
Pine Ladybird (underside)
Pine ladybird adult
Pine Ladybirds
Pine Ladybirds mating 23 Feb 2012
Pine Leaf-mining Moth (Clavigesta purdeyi)
Pinion-streaked Snout
Pinion-streaked Snout Schrankia costaestrigalis
Piniphila bifasciana
Pink Barred Sallow.
Pink Grasshopper
Pink-barred Sallow Xanthia togata
Pink-barred sallow Xanthia togata 2
Pink-barred Sallow 2
Pink-barred Sallow 3
Pintail (Anas acuta)
Pintail drake
Pipiza lutetarsis male
Pipiza noctiluca
Pirata piraticus
Pirata piraticus 1
Pisaura mirabilis
Pisaura mirabilis 3
Pisaura mirabilis adult male
Pitsea Church Post Card
Plagiognathus arbustorum
Plain Pug Eupithecia simpliciata
Plain Pug 2
Plain Pug.
Plaistow St Mary Church Post Card
Plant Gall on Alexanders
Plant Gall on Alexanders 2
plantation 2
plantation 3
plantation 4
Planthopper - Asiraca clavicornis
Planthopper - Asiraca clavicornis 2
Platanthera chlorantha
Platycheirus albimanus 1
Platycheirus albimanus 2
Platycheirus albimanus 3
Platycheirus manicatus female on clover
Platychierus rosarum
Platycleis albopunctata
Platycleis albopunctata (Grey Bush Cricket)
Platydracus stercorarius
Platyedra subcinerea 1
Platyedra subcinerea 2
Platyedra subcinerea 4
Platynaspis luteolubra
Platypalpus annulatus
Platypalpus candidans
Platypalpus exilis 1
Platypalpus exilis 2
Platypalpus longiseta
Platypes alpinella
Platyptilia gonodactyla
Platyptilia gonodactyla 2
Platyptilia pallidactyla
Platyrhinus resinosus.
Platystoma seminationis
Platytes alpinella 2
Platytes alpinella 3
Platytes alpinella 4
Platytes alpinella 5
Platytes alpinella.
Platytes cerussella.
Plebejus argus
Pleistocene Brickearth Cliff Wrabness 210000 years old
Pleistocene Brickearth Cliff Wrabness Essex 210000 years old
Pleistocene Channel with in situ molluscs Jaywick beach
Pleistocene Channel with London Clay Cement Stones Jaywick beach
Pleistocene Elephant and Mammoth teeth from Wrabness
Pleistocene Gravels and Red Crag The Naze Walton on the Naze
Pleistocene Gravels The Naze Walton on the Naze
Pleistocene Mammoth leg bone from Wrabness
Plemyria rubiginata Blue-bordered Carpet 4
Pleshey Castle Bridge Bax 1939
Pleshey Castle Bridge Etching R A Beckett 1901
Pleshey Holy Trinity Church
Pleuroptya ruralis 2
Plum Porecrust Phellinus tuberculosus
Plumed Fan-foot
Plumed Fan-foot 04-08-2020
Plumed Fan-foot 1
Plumed Fan-foot 20-09-2020 Front
Plumed Fan-foot 20-09-2020 Top
Plumed Fanfoot near Hainault Forest
Plutella porrectella 2
Plutella porrectella 3
Plutella porrectella.
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Plutella xylostella 2
Plutella xylostella 3
Plutella xylostella 4
Podagrica fuscicornis on Common Mallow
Podalonia sp.
Poecilium alni - 4mm
Poecilobothrus nobilitatus female 20150619-1841
Poecilobothrus nobilitatus male 20150619-1937
Poecilocampa populi
Pogonocherus hispidus
Polecat or Ferret
Polished puddingstone from Stanway
Polistichus connexus 2
Pollenia vagabunda female
Pollenia vagabunda female 2
Polycentropus flavomaculatus
Polygonia c-album
Polygonia o-album
Polymixis flavicincta
Polyommatus icarus
Polyploca ridens Frosted Green 2
Polyploca ridens Frosted Green 4
Polyporivora ornata female 01 June 2018
Polystichus connexus
Ponera coarctata
Poplar Grey Subacronicta megacephala
Poplar Grey 2
Poplar Grey Subacronicta megacephala
Poplar Grey.
Poplar Hawk-moth (caterpillar)
Poplar Hawk-Moth 2.
Poplar Hawk-moth 3
Poplar Hawk-moth caterpillar
Poplar Hawk-moth caterpillars
Poplar Hawk-moth Laothoe populi
Poplar Hawkmoth.
Poplar Kiitten
Poplar Knot-horn
Poplar Lutestring
Poplar Lutestring 2
Poplar Lutestring 3
Poppies in field
Porcellio scaber (1 May 11)
Porter's Rustic
Porter's Rustic Athetis hospes
Porter's Rustic 20th August 2024
Portevinia maculata on Wild Garlic leaf
Possible piece of German (Eifel) lava quern in Langley Church
possibly a false widow
possibly a false widow 2
Postia leucomalella
potted on grass stem
Potter Street Church Harlow
Potter Street near Harlow Road
Powdered Quaker
Powdered Quaker 2
Powdered Quaker 3
Powdered Quaker1
Powdered Rustic
Prays fraxinella
Prays fraxinella 2
Prays fraxinella 3
Prays peregrina 2008
Prays peregrina 09-09-2021
Preparing the Bagshot Sand section to be open to the public
Pretty Chalk Carpet
Pretty Chalk Carpet 2
Primula vulgaris
Priors near Broomfield Bax 1939
Prittlewell Church Essex Excursions 1818
Prittlewell Church Interior 1940s
Prittlewell Church Post Card
Prittlewell Church West End Post Card
Prittlewell Church West Tower Post Card
Prittlewell East Street Black and White Image from negative
Prittlewell Priory Doorway Arthur Mee 1942
Prittlewell Priory Museum Arthur Mee 1942
Prittlewell Priory Post Card
Privet Hawk Moth
Privet Hawk-moth 4
Privet Hawk-moth Sphinx ligustri
Privet Hawk-moth Sphinx ligustri caterpillar Burnham 31082011
Privet Hawkmoth 3
Privet Hawkmoth Cat
Privet Hawkmoth Cat 2
Prochoreutis myllerana
Professor C.T. Ingold EFC President 1953 1954 1955 1956
Professor G S Boulger EFC President 1883 1884
Professor Raphael Meldola FRS EFC President 18801882 1901 1902
Promalactis procerella
Promalactis procerella 10
Promalactis procerella 2
Promalactis procerella 8
Promalactis procerella 9
Promamactis procerella 7
Propylea quattuordecimpunctata
Propylea quattuordecimpunctata 3
Propylea quattuordecimpunctata-1
Prosternon tessellatum
Protocalliphora azurea female 20160417-5337
Protocalliphora azurea male 20150619-1855
Prunus cerasifera
Pseudargyrotoza aonwagana.
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana 3
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana 4
Pseudeuophrys lanigera
Pseudeuophrys lanigera female
Pseudeuophrys lanigera female 2
Pseudeuophrys obsoleta
Pseudocistela ceramboides
Pseudocistela ceramboides 2
Pseudococcyx posticana
Pseudoips prasinana Green Silver-lines 3
Pseudoips prasinana Green Silver-lines 6
Pseudopanthera macularia
Pseudopostega crepusciella.
Pseudopostega crepusculella.
Pseudoswammerdamia combinella 2
Pseudoswammerdamia combinella.
Pseudoterpna pruinata
Pseudovadonia livida
Pseudovadonia livida 1
Pseudovadonia livida 2
Pseudozarba bipartita
Pseudozarba bipartita 2
Psoricoptera gibbosella
Psoricoptera gibbosella 2
Psyche casta
Psyche casta 22-3-2022
Psyche caste 2
Psyche caster larval case after moth emergence
Psychidae moth perhaps
Psychoides filicivora
Psychoides filicivoraGD GD
Psychoides filivivora.
Psychoides filivivora1
Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata
Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata larva
Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata pupa
Pterophorus pentadactyla 2
Pterostichus madidus
Pterostichus madidus - Black Clock
Pterostichus niger
Ptilinus pecticornis
Ptocheuusa paupella
Ptocheuusa paupella 2
Ptychodus tooth
Ptycholoma lecheana
Ptycholoma lecheana 1
Ptycholoma lecheana 2
Ptycholoma lecheana 3
Ptycholoma lecheana 6
Ptycholoma lecheana.
Ptycholomoides aeriferana
Ptycholomoides aeriferanus
Ptychoptera contaminata
Ptychoptera contaminata 14th June 2022
Puccinia smyrnii on Alexanders
Puccinia smyrnii on Alexanders (Top of leaf)
Puccinia smyrnii on Alexanders (underside of leaf)
Pulchrapollia gracilis fossil bird Walton on Naze
pupa case
Puppigerus camperi turtle carapace Walton on the Naze
Puppigerus camperi turtle in situ Walton on the Naze
Puppigerus camperi turtle mandible drawing Walton on the Naze
Puppigerus camperi turtle mandible Walton on the Naze
Puppigerus camperi turtle paddle Walton on the Naze
Puppigerus camperi turtle skull Walton on the Naze
Puppigerus camperi turtle underside of skull Walton on the Naze
Purfleet 1807
Purfleet 1856 black and white engraving
Purfleet 1856 Tinted
Purfleet Botany Gardens Steps Post Card
Purfleet Botany Pit Photograph 1913
Purfleet Botany Pit Photograph with boys playing 1913
Purfleet Botany Pit Stereo Photograph 1913
Purfleet from Beacon Hill black and white post card
Purfleet Great Eastern Anchored 1859 Chalk Cliffs
Purfleet Photograph dinner 1913
Purfleet Post Card of Chalk Quarry with railway tracks
Purfleet Stereographic Photograph dinner 1913
Purfleet The Exmouth Training Ship Post Card
Purfleet The Inn 1869 Proof Francis Seymour Haden
Purleigh All Saints Church
Purple Bar
Purple Bar 2
Purple Cloud Actinotia polyodon
Purple Emperor
Purple Emperor Male Apatura iris
Purple Emperor Male Apatura iris
Purple Emperor2
Purple Hairstreak
Purple Hairstreak 2
Purple Hairstreak 3
Purple Hairstreak 4
Purple Hairstreak 5
Purple Loosestrife
Purple Thorn
Purple Thorn 2
Purple Thorn 3
Puss Moth
Puss Moth Cerura vinula
Puss Moth Cerura vinula 1
Puss Moth Caterpillar
Puss Moth.
Pyralis farinalis 2
Pyrausta aurata
Pyrausta aurata 2
Pyrausta aurata 3
Pyrausta aurata 5
Pyrausta aurata.
Pyrausta despicata 2
Pyrausta despicata 3
Pyrausta despicata 4
Pyrausta despicata 5
Pyrausta despicta.
Pyrausta nigrata
Pyrausta purpuralis
Pyrausta purpuralis 2
Pyrochroa serraticornis
Pyrochroa serraticornis 2
Pyrola rotundifolia
Pyrrhocoris apterus